Monday, June 1, 2009

Fort Macon

Fort Macon details - original, handcrafted ironwork vs. restored version.

For Memorial Day weekend Dave and I headed down to beautiful Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. Besides soaking in the sun and salt water we also had the pleasure to visit Fort Macon, a fort used during the Civil War and Spanish-American War.

By no means am I a history buff, but I am easily inspired...even by old forts! While Dave was reading about Fort Macon's history, I was strolling around with my camera mesmerized by the stonework, wooden features and personal artifacts. I'm all about the details...give me distressed bricks and rust and I'm a giddy schoolgirl. Some of my favorite design elements included the wooden floors (can you imagine in a house?!), the polished green grass and the staircase ironwork. Also, I love that they used china even during hard times of war. The china was necessary for eating, but also provided a hint of luxury and comfort. The china fragments and airplane playing cards alone create a wonderful story.

Here's to a great week ahead and creating our own histories...


  1. I am such a sucker for historical artifacts! I love the playing cards and the wood burning stoves.

  2. Holy moly. I am not a historical fort kinda gal, but your stunning photos make me want to BE at Fort Macon this very instant.

  3. Pretty red toenails on that gorgeous wood flooring! :)

  4. Thank you! Yes - wish I was there right now too!

  5. How cool. I live in NC and have never been. Need to go. Thanks!

  6. I LOVE visiting old historic spots! What lovely pictures you took!

  7. old forts are so cool! i love these photos!

  8. I need to have that kitchen someday. It's not excessive for a family of three, right? Looks like you had a great time.

  9. amazing details! the floor is absolutely amazing!

  10. i love all the patterns and textures, especially the one with the circles and someone's cute red toe nails.

  11. I'm not much of a history buff either, but my husband is extremely knowledgeable about it. this is just the sort of place to pique both our interests....lovely details.

  12. the flooring is gorgeousss...
    Great week dear!

  13. This looks like fun. Lately I have more and more been intersted in historic sites. Your pictures turned out great!

  14. Great photos! Could you say a bit more about that amazing floor? What kind of room was it in?

  15. Andrew would have died--he would love to go there :) Lucky ducks! I love the photo of the swirly tiles and your feet :)

  16. Great question Cassie - the flooring was in the front entrance of the fort and exposed to outdoor weather (therefore I guess it's pretty sturdy!).

  17. Oh, lovely wooden tiles!!! And a great post with lovely pictures!

  18. hi there! it's so nice to be back here. i love this historic post...
    i am in my new home. please drop by.
    absolutely fabulous

  19. Wow, I love that floor! Your photos are gorgeous, glad you had fun!

  20. I'm with you on the small details and silhouettes! What a great place to go for the weekend!

  21. Love these photos; glad to see you had such a nice weekend!!

  22. Great photos! You definitely have a talent! Looks like a great place.

  23. I really love that wood flooring!
    : )

  24. I love the flooring! how beautiful!

  25. love love love your photos! I want to go there.

  26. I stole the floor picture. It's really great!

  27. Great images! I love the shot of the cracked china :)


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