Friday, July 31, 2009

Here & There

I'm completely captivated by Katie Shapiro's photographs. I saw her entry in the 2009 Hey, Hot Shot! project and now I can't get these images off my mind. They are beautifully composed, thought provoking and full of life. It's hard to not stare at that funky looking it. Check out more on her website and great blog Only Diptychs.

Oh, and I got a new car...YAY! I decided on a silver Honda Civic Coupe. I'm very happy with the decision and I think the Civic suits me well. Thanks for all your input and have a great weekend! I'm heading to Ikea on Saturday to enjoy a little shopping inspiration and Swedish meatballs. I'll bring ya back some Lingonberry jam...


  1. Love Love LOVE these photos!
    I'm going to soo have to visit their site :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. gosh - her work is truly inspiring! i LOVE that top shot!

  3. ps: congratulations on the car!

  4. That balloon shot is delightful!

  5. Adorable photos, congrats on the car, and yesyesyes please on the lingonberry!!!

  6. You darling girl...I just noticed the P is for Pretty poster up there...thank you for the link, lovey:)

  7. i'm really glad you chose that car because it was the one scott recommended, but i didn't get a chance to comment (we have a honda, too). i love those meatballs and the jam. have fun!

  8. a photo with balloons is always a welcome sight ona friday.

    congrats on the honda choice. i have one, and it's my baby.

  9. have a happy weekend and enjoy that new car!

  10. Great pics!
    Enjoy the new car- congrats :)

  11. Super sweet photos - very whimsical almost! Yay to the new car!

  12. Love that first image... I can just imagine the party that went on right before the shot was taken.

  13. Wonderful images, the tree is marvelously Seuss like. Congrats on your new car!

  14. These are wonderful! Especially love the second image. How cute!

  15. That's a beautiful set, they all fit together so well. The tree is so willy wonka.. or something of the sort

  16. I love the photos...especially the last one. Boy have I had days like that! Great find as always.

  17. Oh wow, no kidding. What lovely photos--and inspiring, too.

  18. AAAHHHH!!!! I love these so much, thanks for sharing.


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