Monday, August 3, 2009

All You Need is a Clear View of the Southern Sky

The work by Chris Ballantyne brings a new and unique perspective to landscape painting. His subtle twist on an expansive scene of grass or water creates a glimpse into the extraordinary. The large, open spaces are captivating and seem to have a calming effect. I'm feeling a burst of inspiration from his work and would love to have one for my wall. You can purchase a print on 20x200 and view more paintings here.

I borrowed the blog title from one of Ballantyne's solo shows. I think the title suits his work and his Mobile, Alabama roots. Being in North Carolina I also know the feeling of a clear, southern sky. Beautiful.

{found via OK Great}


  1. There is something about that last picture that reallys speaks to me. Love it Pleasie.

  2. Perfect post considering today is the first day of sun I can remember us having in awhile . . . a clear sky is exactly what I needed!

  3. I'm with Jan - love 'em all, but the last one makes me want to dive right in.

  4. A clear, southern sky is a beautiful sight to behold.

  5. that last painting was amazing!
    by the way i'm having a giveaway on my blog, i think you would like it

  6. those are amazing!
    i adore the first one especially,
    thanks for the links!
    x ashley

  7. love these. not what you think of when you think of 'landscape' painting (in a good way!) .... love his perspective.

  8. how beautiful... hubby and I are taking our first vacation sans kiddos to mobile, we leave tomorrow.

  9. ohhh! i am in love also. . . .

  10. 20x200 is one of my most favorite sites out there...I love to browse there and see all of the amazing art. it's so inspiring...


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