Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Mended Spiderweb

Nina Katchadourian creates a wide variety of media including photography, sculpture, video and sound. Her portfolio is filled with inspiring and thought provoking pieces. One of my favorite projects is the The Mended Spiderweb series where Katchadourian searched for broken spiderwebs and repaired them using red sewing thread. She even created a Do-it-Yourself Spiderweb Repair Kit. Oddly enough the spider would eventually repair the web using its own methods and throw out the threads in the process. The concept is simple yet powerful, and the red thread is perfect. You may know my deep love for red thread from a previous project.

What do you think about the human-nature interaction in this piece?


  1. amazing. the photos are incredible too. just the WORK involved! great post today.

  2. Who thinks of this stuff? This is wonderful.

  3. I really like it!

  4. Thanks so much for the point in direction. Her website gives so many other wonderful examples, too. Wonderful stuff.

  5. Wow. The idea seems so outrageous, yet turns out beautifully. I wonder what the spiders must be thinking...!

  6. How fascinating! Especially that the spiders repaired the webs themselves instead of abandoning them altogether ...

  7. oh wow. that seems like a lot of meticulous work. i love the delicate nature of it.

  8. Wow, quite powerful, and touching.

  9. the spiders must think she's nuts - how does she do that without breaking the web?!

  10. Wow, that is intense! Amazing.

  11. I'm intrigued by this... I can't stop staring at the images.

  12. Hm - I find that creepy - of course I have no patience to stand in a line, much less sew a broken spider web...

  13. i have to tell you i haven't seen anything so fabulous in quite some time. for some reason, that moved me to no end. it's the gentle-est of human intervention, do delicate and thoughtful. and so super artistic! really amazingly beautiful.

  14. Great photos and interesting concept.

  15. Wow, just wow. So great.

  16. amazing...i can't believe that's actually real.

  17. amazing! love it love it love it!

  18. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Amazing ideas people have!

  19. Shut up with that spiderweb! Amazing!!!

  20. i think this is fantastic
    i like the idea of mending, and that the spiders would interact with the artwork by fixing it themselves and discarding the red thread.

    would they do this if the thread was white?


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