Thursday, August 6, 2009

Framed Doilies

Vintage find - framed doilies.

Doilies tend to have an old parlour at grandma's house feel, but lately they've been popping up on beautiful stationary, clothes and artwork. The top two framed doilies are yard sale finds and would look neat in a guest bedroom or studio. Although they are packed away right now, but one day...for future awesome lake house.

I think it's interesting how you can frame almost anything and it becomes wall art. If these doilies weren't framed I would've passed them right by. There is something special about the thought and care that goes into framing an object. Looks like I'm not alone on the framed doily fascination because I found more on Flickr. You can also purchase them on Etsy...enjoy!


  1. Love this! We have an entire hope chest full of hand crocheted doilies (women on both sides of my family were apparently busy crocheting doilies their entire lives) and I so want to use them but I certainly don't want them draped over my chairs. This looks perfect.

  2. I love how people are getting creative with their framed art. I think the doilies look so charming in the glass sandwich frames.

  3. Oh your hope chest sounds amazing!

  4. I LOVE the idea of framing doilies. You know makes the prettiest doily illustrations is Yasmine at A Print a Day.

    BTW: Thanks for weighing in on my flooring sitch. I am so torn!

  5. So sweet and delicate when they are framed.

  6. what a sweet idea! they're really pretty. i must frame more textiles in all forms!

  7. they really are works of art and putting them into frames is a great idea!

  8. This makes me smile and laugh a bit. I used to collect doilies as a young girl (got total flack for it from my siblings), but I loved something about them. So glad to see they are coming back into style, albeit a much more sophisticated, artsy way. Perhaps I'll give it another go!

  9. you're right, there is something about frames and what they capture. they do make you stop and ponder the contents. the frame showcases them, highlights them, even little ol' doilies. fun post! :)

  10. Pretty! I really like how they put the smaller ones in those large frames.

  11. i saw a framed doily at the local antique market the other day for dirt cheap...this might have inspired me to go get it!

  12. Wonderful idea. I especially like the asymmetrical positioning in the KickKate ones,

  13. so sweet! i like the mini ones, especially!

  14. My goodness, I like them much better framed than on Granny's coffee table! Especially with the blue background.

  15. beautiful! I especially like the ones in the first photo, pinned to the board.

  16. Wow-totally amazed at how cool they look! Such a great idea.

  17. ha, my grandmother does this! I didn't know she was so up with the trends :)

  18. what a cute idea! now i just need pretty doily to frame!

  19. I have a whole suitcase full of vintage doilies.I'm sure at least a few of them deserve a frame!

  20. I keep thinking about how doilles were created to be beautiful but where also functional. My grandmothers always had them on the dresser or tables serving as a kind of layer of projection but there was so much work involved in making them. The ways in which they are being displayed as art on rocks and in frames now seems so much more appropriate.


  21. What a fab idea for some of my grandma's old doilies! Hmmmm....I see a crafty project in my near future...

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