Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bird Drawings

I'm swamped with work this week, but I just wanted to stop by to say hello and share these beautiful bird drawings by Julie Mattei. I love the hint of pink and interesting mix of abstract shapes. Seeing these makes me want to get out the sketchbook and watercolors. But, I have to get back to work...blah! How are you surviving the week?


  1. Those are just gorgeous. Love the geometric elements and stark palette.

  2. Wonderful. Really like the simple color pallet and the art deco feel of the illustrations.

  3. These are wonderful. I love the contrast of the clean lines of the black with the wash of the pink.

  4. those are lovely! filled with pattern and a hint of color, very nice.

  5. love these, Di. like vintage 2D origami or something . . .

  6. Oh, these are fantastic! Looks like the artist knows exactly what she's doing (it's difficult to make abstractions if you can't do the figurative stuff). Perfect balance and a colour to make anybody happy!

  7. these are very interesting, I love how parts are 'suggested' that your eyes fill in themselves
    : )

  8. amazing! can't think or speak all i know is I WANT ONE!

  9. Wonderful!! Thanks for posting them!

  10. These are great. I love the hint of art deco geometric shapes. Patterning in illusrations are a good look.


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