Friday, August 14, 2009

Happiness is a Butterfly

The butterfly wall installation by Nancy Blum is breathtaking. I could spend hours looking at the intricate patterns, stunning details and delicate beauty. Don't you want a room full of happy butterflies? Be sure to also check out Nancy Blum's amazing works on paper and public art pieces.

On a side note thanks for all the support and encouragement. I'll continue to have a positive outlook, work hard and smile often. But, right now I'm ready for the weekend and look forward to a little bit of French cuisine and District 9. Nothing like gruyere & potato croquettes and alien craziness to get this party started. Happy weekend!


  1. A lot of butterfly art strikes me as a bit twee, but this? A totally different matter. Love those flutterbugs.

  2. so pretty.

    we've talked about seeing district 9 too, but it's sushi for us tonight.
    have a lovely weekend!

  3. These are lovely. Love the detail on the individual butterflies... would love to follow the flock to wherever the happy little group is going:).

  4. wow, these are really lovely. i've not seen anything quite like this. have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Very pretty and modern - great stuff! Have a lovely weekend!

  6. wow...first butterfly art I can actually appreciate! this is stunning!!!
    Ry asked me today, "do butterflys make butter?" Just thought I'd throw that in. :) Told him I think it would be much more appropriate if they were called flutterbys...
    Have a wonderful, restorative weekend!

  7. Pommes de terre and sci-fi? Hmmmm,I wonder if it will be a digestible week end...?

  8. You find the BEST stuff. Chin up at work. Your bloggy friends are on your side! A-M xx

  9. Great blog! love it! I'll add you to my favourite blog list. Thanks,
    Rosa from Portugal

  10. It is like someone's intricate doodle. Love it.

  11. Aaah! So cool to see Nancy Blum on your blog. I was just looking at images of her work from an old journal of mine today to include in my ceramic arts blog... awesome!

  12. My word! These are beautiful. Hope you enjoyed District 9- I did!

  13. You are right, seeing butterflies always make me happy.

  14. The detail on their wings is just amazing.


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