Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's a busy day, but I have the lovely photographs by Sanaz Mazinani to slow me down. I love how art can be discovered in our day-to-day environment. Maybe we are all just walking art exhibits?

I digress from what's really on my mind...I'm going through a rough patch at work. I keep reminding myself to be thankful for the good things in life. I know I'll get through this phase and move onto a better, happier one. Writing and saying it out loud makes the idea of a new job and transition more tangible and meaningful. Do you know what I mean or have I already tipped over to the crazy side? Regardless, I'm so glad to have a little place on the blogosphere to visit, connect and share with you. It makes for a much better day...thank you. How about you - need to vent? Let's hear it...


  1. oh dear. I'm sorry to hear about the work thing... have you seen the preview for "lemonade"? It's a documentary based on what creative people do when let go from their jobs. Even the trailer is quite inspiring!

  2. Awww! Here's to keeping your head up :)

    Also, I love love those cranes in the first pic.

  3. I know how you feel. In fact, I'm reading your blog WHILE I'm at work. Haha. There is nothing for me to do...At all. I hate getting paid for not doing my best, but hey, if the bosses want two people with my position to work in one small branch, whatever... Thanks, I needed that.

  4. great pictures! don't have time to read right now, but saw you updated on my feed and wanted to look. I'll be back.

  5. Work sucks, but always remember it could be could win the lottery and have all this money and not have enough to buy...haha - that is my dream!

  6. Thanks guys and I love hearing your venting...looks like many of us are in the same boat!

  7. We've had a rough summer at the shore house...and for some reason when life gets tough, my job seems worse than it already is! Why is it that bad seems to "layer"?! I'm happy to have a job, but feel stifled sitting behind a desk in a non-creative atmosphere. On the flip side, I'm happy to have a job when so many of my friends don't...

  8. Sometimes I feel just the same. Keep on thinking about good things. Beautiful pictures by the way.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh I've been there with the work challenges. It WILL improve. It may just take a lot of patience (regrettably) :-)

  11. aw sweetie, i totally understand! i think most people do. change can happen- sometimes it's a lot of work, but it can be worth it! :)

  12. I have so been there. In fact, I drift in and out of that place often, depending on what my job of the moment is. These photos are so beautiful...melancholy in a way and so peaceful.

  13. thanks for sharing the peaceful photos. hope things start to pickup. sending you good thoughts!

  14. I hope things get better for you soon! I have to admit to feeling similar at the moment, I'm a bit uncertain. Lovely people do help :)
    Thanks for your birthday wishes!

  15. There's so much happening in our lives, and it's a wonderful way to share beautiful photos as feelings.
    I know exactly how you feel...hope you'd find the strength to have a change in your life.:)

  16. I don't think you've tipped over to the crazy side just yet, you're just surviving by thinking positively! And it's the weekend, hope you're having time off.
    The photos are beautiful...

  17. I hope your rough patch is smooth again soon. I totally think saying it out loud is so helpful ;)
    With that, I love these photos so much. Have a good and restful weekend.

  18. ironically, i don't get to visit your blog as often as i used to when i had my AWFUL day job. i quit because i was so unhappy, and, aside from anxiety about money, i am really enjoying my little time of transition, rest, and creativity. so, if you think you have gone to the crazy side, fear not. i already quit and have only a tiny idea what the hell i'm doing! (probably looking for another job in a better environment.) take it easy, i'm loving getting caught up on your beautiful posts!

  19. Sorry to hear you're having a rough trott at work - never easy. Remember Wallace Simpson who said "This day shall pass". Positive thoughgts your way!


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