Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The Life-Size series by Cynthia Greig explores the interaction between humans and miniature objects as if they were functioning tools or possessions. To push the concept further Greig says, "I print the image so that the original object appears to approximate "life-size" scale, disturbing perceptual expectations and a natural sense of order."

Greig's photographs blur the line between our perception of size and reality. The appearance of a gigantic and fantastical world evokes a natural desire for curiosity and discovery. I just love the power of imagination...


montague said...

this is so great! love those teeny cards!

Anonymous said...

So clever!

Rachel said...

Amazing. They make my head a little woozy, but in a good way.

peachey said...

like a wonderful dream

Mouse said...

hee hee hee!

Cindy said...

they are wonderful, i love the cards!

Amy said...

These are amazing. My favorite is the door with key...kind of Alice in Wonderland like

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Ha. I was thinking exactly what amy said... very alice in wonderland :)

nath said...

i love these! we're watching and listening to Alice in Wonderland a lot right now, so these fit perfectly with my mood!

Amanda Nicole said...

So wee! I love the fantastical element to these pictures, seems timely with the mounting Alice in Wonderland hype.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

My imagination runs wild. Like Alice.

littlebyrd said...

These are fantastic. I've always loved miniature anything.

Good Girls Studio said...

very very cool!

Meghan said...

Wow, these are cool. I love the teeny tiny crown.

rachel said...

Fun series! The playing cards shot is my fave.

clairette said...

Oh this is so good!

Anonymous said...

Very charming!

Rose C'est La Vie said...

Brilliant concept. I would kill to see the images in their gigantic size. Thanks for this.

DuckMoose said...

I love LOVE love this. Thanks for sharing.

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, how incredibly fun!

Anonymous said...

very fun! so cute!

Unknown said...

so cute. Lovely idea.

Scatterbrain Tal said...

ohh loved the series. so well made.

Victoria said...

There is something so enchanting about miniature objects!

limonana said...

how adorable!!

Crave said...

These are awsome!

Martini said...


Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! I want that little crown for my very own.

susie q said...

I love this! Any miniature is full of wonder. I'm aching for the itty bitty crown.

Oh, My Darling said...

Oh man, I have such a soft spot for miniatures! These pictures are so fantastic.

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