Masculine touches done well can make a great statement. Maybe it's because we don't see them that often? To find or create an appealing guy room without a pimped out bachelor feel can be a challenge. I'd replace the stark modern look with a cozy, artsy vibe filled with dark wood, rich velvets, rustic furniture and a touch of ethnic or vintage detail. The bathroom-turned-closet is a little much, but doesn't it make you do a double take? Now, if only I could find where he hid the over-sized flat screen television...
Link - Roland Bello Photography
i love everything about this post. wonderful inspiration as always! just so you know, i recently added you as a banner link over at urban flea, i'd love for you to swing by sometime and check it out! hope you're having a wonderful week my dear!
xo urban flea :)
That first pic is just gorge.
love that top pic with the drum set!!
I have to say, I've seen a lot of photos featuring interior design and decoration: these have to be some of my favourites, precisely because of the masculine touches. These look so earthy.
Um, I don't think I'd need to tell you twice how much I am j'adoring these pics! No matter how many times I see 'em, still a sucker for a good trophy. Happy weekend! :)
That Eames is just the best shade of tomato soup red!!
These kind of rooms and photography make me weak in the knees. What a glorious sense of ambiance and moody...oh I don't know what, but I love these so much!
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