Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This Is Not Ikea

My new and favorite site to visit is TINI also known as This Is Not Ikea. Besides having a clever name and a TON of neat vintage items, they also have a great blurb on how buying vintage is good for the environment. The founders of TINI say, "Buying vintage is the ultimate green way to shop. You don’t increase your carbon footprint through manufacturing. You are recycling, in the best sense of the word. That beautiful 50’s lamp doesn't end up in a landfill, (and you are way cooler than your friends.)"

So, you can own a unique piece of vintage furniture that will stand the test of time, help the environment and be cool. Sounds good to me! I'll start with that sleek clock and colorful picnic set please. Check out all the vintage goodness over at TINI - be sure to pack your lunch because you'll be there for awhile!


Megan @ Pink O'Clock said...

ooh, these are great...xo

Mouse said...

Gorgeous! Love the desk--and the fan.

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh wow! Very clever name--love that desk and those trays too.

Rachel said...

I love all their things, but I have such a hard time browsing through the site. I guess I shouldn't complain - it's a bit like thrift store shopping online, and I love thrift store shopping in person!

Sharon said...

ooooh, thx for the link! the lamps are gorgeous

Amanda said...


Julia said...

How clever :) Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I'm in love with that desk!

Rosy Revolver said...

lovely stuff. I want the fan for the studio!

K.Line said...

Oooh, fantastic. I must check this out!

Wondering Helen said...

What a great name and purpose. I'm all about vintage home goods -- they've got personality, you know?

Deb Oh said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing :)

MFAMB said...

awesome!! i just went and had a look-see.
yes, several things caught my eye.

wren said...

i am on my way to check it out. thanks for the great heads up as usual.

Diana said...

it's like a museum!

suzanne cabrera said...

Thank you sooooo much for this link. I think I'm in love.

mary said...

I am SWOONING over the desk and chair. LOVE!!

Unknown said...

These items are wonderful and as a consummate re-purposer, I agree, buying used things instead of buying new IS a great way to be less wasteful. We throw so much away that's still perfectly functional... more for us re-purposers to find! :)

jess said...

Love the philosophy and these images are great. Thanks for sharing, I'm off to check it out.

Jessica said...

Very cool! :)

Deniz said...

yep cool is the word!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

I love that clock!

Anonymous said...

Holy moly! They really do have great stuff! Thanks for posting this. I think I'm in love...

Cassie said...

I wish there was a place like this near me! Great stuff at decent prices. But I don't live in LA. :(

*SNYdesign said...

What a great name, and such lovely photos of items I crave!

nelya said...

Wowza! Thanks for pointing the way to this spot. I love every single piece. Great stuff, great philosophy!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Great stuff. Wish I had a This Is Not IKEA near me.

Kat said...

Great name - and love those trays!

yasmine said...

i agree with their philosophy.

besides, i do think that vintage things are made very well.

i like that you have this link up on the side diana! i always love your vintage posts.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

TINI...Ha!! I love it. And that motel sign...swoon. If only I had an extra $1750...

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